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Executive Workshops

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Tuesday 5, 2024 | Day 1

  • 16.30 - 18.30Lifecycle and sustainability

    Battery Passports - How to implement them to generate maximum business value

    EU battery regulation mandates battery passports to be implemented in most batteries sold to the EU market starting February 2027. A battery passport is a new regulatory requirement to comply with and at the same time opening up avenues for value creation. Forward-looking companies can realize emerging value opportunities such as efficient operations, product differentiation and sustainable business models. This workshop discusses how companies can generate value beyond compliance, what they need to do to get started and if they should make or buy battery passport solutions from 3rd parties.

    Tilmann Vahle
    Director, Sustainable Mobility and Batteries, SYSTEMIQ
    Tilmann Vahle
    Director, Sustainable Mobility and Batteries, SYSTEMIQ
    Dr. Niklas Niemann
    Partner, SYSTEMIQ
    Dr. Niklas Niemann
    Partner, SYSTEMIQ
    Dr. Sven Jantzen
    Director Government Affairs, Umicore
    Dr. Sven Jantzen
    Director Government Affairs, Umicore
  • 16.30 - 18.30

    Benchmark and optimization approaches in resource-efficient battery pack and module production

    Lukas Kothmeier
    Managing Director, LKMC GmbH
    Lukas Kothmeier
    Managing Director, LKMC GmbH

More experts are still being confirmed. Please check back regulary for updates or subscribe to our Newsletter.




Tuesday 5, 2024 | Day 1

  • 14.05 - 14.50Market strategies and policies

    Financing and funding: IPCEIs influence on the European economy

    The IPCEI Batteries is a European Union initiative designed to support projects that make significant contributions to economic growth, job creation, and the competitiveness of European industry.  During this Deep Dive Session, Uwe Seidel and Nikolas Oehl-Schalla of the project agency VDI/VDE-IT will present the current status of the IPCEI and highlight opportunities for collaboration. In particular, the Associated Partnership option within the IPCEI serves as a vehicle to connect major funding projects to the IPCEI program.

    Uwe Seidel
    Programm Manager Battery, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
    Uwe Seidel
    Programm Manager Battery, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
    Dr. Nikolas Oehl-Schalla
    Consultant, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
    Dr. Nikolas Oehl-Schalla
    Consultant, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH
  • 14.50 - 15.35Battery chemistry and design

    Transforming battery development: New AI models for simulation

    Dr. Lukas Lutz
    Co-Founder, Battery Sphere GmbH
    Dr. Lukas Lutz
    Co-Founder, Battery Sphere GmbH

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 | Day 2

  • 10.55 - 12.25Battery workforce

    BatteryMBA Masterclass

    Dr. Simon Engelke
    Founder and Chair, Battery Associates
    Dr. Simon Engelke
    Founder and Chair, Battery Associates
  • 10.55 - 12.25Lifecycle and sustainability

    The Battery Circularity Game

    Maarten Buysse
    Innovation Consultant, Bax
    Maarten Buysse
    Innovation Consultant, Bax
    Olamilekan Olugbayila
    Innovation Consultant, Bax
    Olamilekan Olugbayila
    Innovation Consultant, Bax

    More experts are still being confirmed. Please check back regulary for updates or subscribe to our Newsletter.

    Secure one of the limited seats!
    For All-Access ticket holders only.